November 25, 2013



Molly helps me get dressed each morning and just a couple days ago said the word "bra" for the first time.  Awesome Mol.  Don't start with normal things, like shirt, pants, socks.  Definitely go for the inappropriate-to-mention-in-public undergarment....

Anyway.  Now, whenever I'm getting dressed, she starts pointing at me and saying "bra.  bra.  bra."  I had started to take offense until today...

Ryan was playing on the kitchen floor with her shirtless and she pointed at his nipple and said "bra!".  Then she pointed at the other one and said, "More.  Bra!"


I told Mol she wasn't allowed to bring her wubbas in the bathroom.  As I was doing my make-up, I turned around and saw her and Wubbaducky sitting on the floor behind me playing.  I said, "Molly Amelia, you get that Wubba out of the bathroom right now!".  She then rolled over on her belly and stuck her head out the door so that it (and Wubba) were no longer in the bathroom.


Molly now responds "Good" every time I ask her, "How is your [fill-in-the-blank]?"

When playing catch, Molly started to yell "MISS!!!!" when she, or her playmate fail to catch the ball.

Molly can now say the word "naked" - pronounced "nake".

Nana "jumped" off the kitchen counter after finishing another coat of paint....Molly watched and when she landed she looked up at her and said "Woah!"

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